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Confinement Goals

Since confinement/COVID life is becoming the new norm, I am starting to create a life around this new norm!

My Post-COVID World GOALS for the rest of 2020

How to Travel Internationally with a Baby or Toddler to Paris, France, Venice, Italy, or Lake Como, Italy

Declutter the House

I know we are 4 months in, and I should have this done already, but I am making progress and pushing forward!  I spend so much time in our house, I want to make it a place that makes me feel happy, and that means looking at a lot less stuff!

Keeping most of my son’s toys in his room has helped a lot with this.

Best Outdoor Toys for toddlers during Confinement

Landscape the yard

My son is always outside even in this blazing Houston heat. Often times while he plays, I will work in the garden, and I am ready to really tackle some simple landscaping.  It is more difficult and more EXPENSIVE than I expect.  Nevertheless, she persisted. 😉 I currently have a cardboard graveyard that I plan to put lots of mulch on top of.  If you have any DIY tips, help is appreciated!

I also am learning about gardening, and I plan to build a raise bed.  I have to focus on one project at a time though, and it is slow going! I guess that means more time to save money for the next project. We are currently painting our old kitchen cabinets white for about $300 total. 

How to Travel Internationally with a Baby or Toddler to Paris, France, Venice, Italy, or Lake Como, Italy

Prioritize my Health and Mental Health

I am exercising more than ever, but still I am not seeing much progress. I still feel stressed with all the uncertainty around COVID and work, and I am probably eating more than before since we are cooking a lot of delicious food at home (Yay us!).  I want to increase my exercise even more.  Being as healthy as possible in case I catch the virus is a good motivator.

I am also not feeling guilty for prioritizing my mental health.  I am watching my son more than ever which is wonderful and exhausting, so I am trying to go for long walks/runs, have calls with friends, and have time for myself. If this means watching TV sometimes and not being productive, that is okay!

I read someone say that during this confinement, they were okay with just doing one thing a day.  One thing total whether that is for your kid or yourself, etc, etc, and I have found that very helpful too. I often do more, but that has been helpful!

2 year old 2nd Birthday Photo Session - Our Long Life wearing bow tie and suspenders with balloon

Celebrate the little stuff

There are many reasons in our life to celebrate- Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduations, Finishing Projects. Since I don’t have as many trips planned *Ahem* zero trips planned, I am focusing on very small celebrations.  I made a balloon arch for my son’s Splash Birthday Party with only two kids including my son.  That was so that I could try something new and see how it went!

Things to do one a Big Bend Family Vacation with a Toddler in Spring Summer - May 2019

Travel Safely

We are a family who loves to travel. You may have seen we currently have two Southwest Companion Passes. I am now turning to more roadtrips.  My husband is still going into the office a couple days a week and working from home, but I am looking at RVShare, AirBNB, and even large resort hotels. We are looking at the Hill Country, Matagorda Beach, and Crater of Diamonds State Park.  Currently, I can’t imagine keeping a mask on my three year old for long. I also won’t subject him to a COVID test unnecessarily, so if any of that is part of travel, then we will pass for now!

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