I registered for a lot of different baby items not knowing what I would want! I loved having a few new quality items that I would be using all the time. Here are the items that I used and loved the most in those first 6 months after baby was born! I did my best to have items that reduced added chemicals to the products too!
My Favorite Baby Registry Items!

- Snuggle me Organic
- GB Pockit – once baby was big enough for this stroller
- Bob’s stroller – if did again would buy the carseat carrier attachment (used a buybuybaby 10% off coupon on this purchase!)
- Baby Bjorn Bouncer
- White noise machine
- Humidifier
- MomonCall’s swaddle – plus watch their video
- Digital thermometer
- Medeala breast milk cooler plus these ice packs – these are great for bringing fresh berries on the go. I love how small it is.
- Baby corn teether (not organic, but a favorite!)
- Primo eurobath
- Rock n play – I know this is a no-no now but I used it all the time, maybe just don’t use without watching your child in it. There’s also a belief that if you put your kid in these or any bed similar to this, it can contribute to flat head so we used a flat head pillow and never used this at night.
- Baby swing

These are the items that worked well for us! If you have hand me down items or cheaper items that you feel good about, then use that and see how it goes. You really don’t need as many items as you think, and you can always amazon prime something to yourself, so you don’t have to have EVERYTHING before baby comes.