I want to recommend an amazing program on feeding your child when they turn six months of age. First Foods + Beyond was created by a super smart Mama whose skillset is in reading through medical research. She has done all the research and put together a simple plan for a new mama for what to feed Baby day by day with recipes included. It is super easy to follow, and I would highly recommend Megan Garcia’s first foods program when trying to decide what to feed your child. This was a huge value to me. With a 6 month old baby, I barely had any time or energy to devote to researching what or how to feed my child. It was really important to me to start off my baby boy with the healthiest foods possible. I also wanted to properly introduce allergens. Megan Garcia gives you tips and specific brands on a calendar with when and what to feed your baby when they turn six months old.

I also love how she puts great information on her instagram stories and highlights.
Finally, here is another link to the First Foods + Beyond program.